Sgt. Darrel L. Harris

Sgt. Harris was born on October 29, 1921 in Cardston, Alberta. He was the eldest of three boys and four girls who were raised in a tiny house in Magrath during the depression.

On September 10, 1939, Canada declared war on Germany and 13 days later Harris presented himself at the recruiting office in Calgary where he received his attestation papers to join the Army. He was quite pleased to learn he would be paid the sum of $1.30 per diem. 

The uniforms issued at that time were from the Great War period of 1914 - 1918 and Harris’s first set of army boots were second-hand. It didn’t take him long to wear them out, requiring a new set. During basic training, he received a Ross Rifle, also from WWI. Advance training took place at Camrose, Alberta.

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Darrel At Fort Benning
Darrel at Fort Benning
1st Can Para   First Class

The very first class of 26 Canadians who graduated from Fort Benning Parachute School.

Wings 42 001 1
Darrel proudly receiving his jump wings.
Harris Para Certificate
Darrel was extremely proud of his Parachute Course certificate and was the centerpiece on his wall at home.